Where is my mind?

The past few weeks I think I’ve been having a mental breakdown. Everything is seeming to culminate at the same time. School is ending, I want to find another job, dating is confusing, I don’t know if I even like photography anymore, I’m sick of my hair.. you know, just the usual issues. I don’t handle change very well and yet again that is what is about to hit me real hard in a couple of weeks! When you come to these parts in life, what do you even do?! I want someone to just tell me!

It’s real scary when you spend five years dedicating your life to school, then you graduate and you think “Oh shoot.. I think I actually hate taking pictures all of the time!” Then you are supposed to go out and find a job. And you don’t even know what kind of job to get, because you just need a break from what you’ve been studying for years! It’s not stressful or confusing at all. And who needs money? Not me, I’ve been getting by just wonderfully on my dumpster food and clothes made of leaves and dead racoons. I’m thriving actually, I’ve never been better and my beard has never been so long and luscious! I’m the truest form of hipster you can find.

At the moment I am sort of putting all of my eggs in one basket, kind of like the Easter Bunny. I am hoping that this blogging thing will be my “thing”, that it can turn into my full time gig sometime soon after I am graduated. It is scary putting my faith into it because it is still so new to me…but logically it makes sense. I can continue to use my photography..which I need.  I can model, which I love to do. I can style outfits and looks.. which I’ve always enjoyed. And I can write. Which.. may be a mistake if you take into consideration how this post has gone so far! But over all it sounds like something I could thrive in. Thus my focus on blogging after I graduate…….also I just realized the Easter Bunny does not put all of his eggs in one basket. He puts them in tons of different baskets, then hides more all over the yard. So that was a failure of a parallel. I am actually not like the Easter Bunny at all.

Another reason I’m definitely not like the Easter Bunny is because last week’s post I wore a colorful outfit, and this time I decided to just not do that. You can never go wrong with black, especially when you are in an early-mid-life crisis! This Copper Key shirt (it is on sale at Dillard’s for $10!) is one of my favorites. You can pair it with just about anything and it looks great! I’ve worn it with creme pants, to red shorts and under a striped jumper. Or in these photos with my black Ralph Lauren pants, and Steve Madden ankle boots (similar here).  I’ve been seeing so many pictures from Coachella lately, and realize compared to the outfits worn there, I am wearing a little bit too many clothes. I’m a nun compared to the girls there! You can mostly thank Utah weather for that. If you like this look for hot weather, it looks just as great with creme or black shorts and a cute sun hat!







I am a fan of long sleeve shirts like this for summer, it’s a nice switch from short sleeved shirts all of the time plus it is light and breathable. It’s good to breathe.. especially when you are as confused at life as I am!

Thank you to my bfff Jason for helping me with these pictures! He’s the bomb.com and should know that! One thing I always have going for me are the amazing people in my life. Making decisions may be hard but it sure helps being surrounded by encouraging and supportive people!

Alright friends thanks for reading! Sorry this post is bland… and sort of gothic.. vampire-esqe or something. It’s pretty accurate since I’ve only stepped outside to go to school, or at night. Woah maybe I’m turning into a vampire. That sucks! Get it? Ok I’m done haha. Bye guys, I’ll be posting again next week, woo!










1 thought on “Where is my mind?

  1. Emily S.

    Codi! I wish you well on your quest into the unknown future. It can be scary and so exciting all at the same time. Ha ha. Crazy how that works. Let’s do a shoot sometime!


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