Just a little ☮ of me.

Well here goes nothing… hi world!


I’ d like to start my blog off introducing myself, duh. I’ve always felt like I am not good at writing “About Me’s”.. does anyone else think they are so difficult to write? I guess I will start at the day I was born…

When I was born, I was a baby. Crazy right?! My cute little family lived in San Diego and I just so happened to be the only fat, white, practically bald baby in the hospital. My mom says her postpartum got very bad when she saw the giant group of Latinos pointing and laughing at me through the glass of the nursery. I would have been laughing right along with at them, I mean… look at me!


Shoot.. I think this is the wrong photo!

Anyway.. We only spent a couple years in good old San Diego while my dad worked. Then we moved to Murray, Utah (best city in the world, or so I’ve heard)

I was not a typical little girl. I much preferred digging around in the dirt and collecting bugs over playing with dolls. My poor mother had to excavate carefully placed Tupperware filled with old grass, water and dying bugs from my bedroom on a weekly basis. But don’t get me wrong.. I did have a Barbie or two..


“Mom, will you take a picture of me and my friends?”

If you were to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I’d respond “a vet, artist, soccer player, hairdresser” every time. I soon realized my dreams of being a vet wouldn’t come true as I was not partial to seeing blood, guts, or hurt animals. What a wuss.

Tried my hand at soccer.. or foot I guess I should say. Yes. I still play and LOVE soccer, but am I a pro? Definitely not.

My mom is a hairdresser and naturally I’ve always wanted to be just like her.. but after working at a beauty supply I soon decided it was not the route for me.

Now artist.. I think I was on to something with that one. Ever since I was a tiny squirt I loved art, and excelled at it. It was always my favorite subject in school. I’d also be caught in the act of making dumb videos on our video camera and snapping embarrassing selfies on a regular basis. Cameras intrigued me. Just the fact I could save a moment with the click of a button.


I’d like to think this was my very first self portrait. It’s artsier because I am nude of course.

Over the years my family has had countless laughs from the embarrassing amount of photos and video I felt the need to take. I’m glad I could provide them with such happiness though because they happen to be the most special people in my life. My parents are my heroes, and my best friends. I don’t think I could ever express to them how much I love and appreciate them. If you know them, I think you’d agree.


Mom and Dad on their wedding day.

I had the pleasure of growing up as the middle child. I don’t have middle child syndrome at ALL. I  don’t ever feel the need to be a perfectionist so people notice me. Never. I’ve never felt the need to be on a Reality TV show someday so someone will just look at me! I have the best big sister in the world who has always been there to stick up for me, or even speak for me when she felt the need. We were always connected at the hip growing up, I wanted to be just like Kylee!


Told you, connected at the hip.

When my baby brother was born I soon realized what it felt like to be worried about someone’s well being and happiness every second of the day. I would do anything for my brudder. Anyone would, Dalton is just too dang sweet not to! Hands down Best brother anyone could ever have.


Tell us we are cute!

We are a very close and loving family, and always have been. We were raised as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. What does that mean? Click here!

I will be writing more posts on my beliefs so please, stay tuned. I truly wouldn’t be who I am or where I am in life without the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to know families can be together forever, I don’t honestly know how I would get through life without this knowledge.


Family photo courtesy of tripod and self timer.

Not only am I lucky enough to have the greatest family in the world, I’ve also gone through life with the greatest set of friends. Each one of these girls has impacted my life is such a big way, I have no doubt we will be friends til we are old and saggy. We can typically be found filming stupid music videos in ugly costumes, or fake laughing to get a quality picture like this:


Fake laughers.

I graduated high school with all of these chums. Soon after I started my quest for love. Or maybe love started it’s quest for me.. that sounds more accurate. This quest involved mainly boys and photography. I started college and soon decided I was going to Art School. Because why not.. I loved photography! Soon after I met a boy and fell in love with him. We got engaged, and we got married. Happily Ever After! That’s how it goes right? Sometimes.


I was married for two and a half years. I cannot tell you how much I grew in this time and how much I learned. I also cannot say how hard going through divorce was. I don’t think anyone gets married thinking they will someday get divorced. I believe marriage is the most sacred and special union on this earth, it is eternal; I planned on spending forever with him. I learned there are circumstances though when divorce is OK. You should never give up your happiness or values to be a lesser version of yourself. It was a very trying time for me, and the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. But I know it was the right choice, God carried me through the whole thing. I can’t wait for the day I find my future husband.. he’s out there somewhere!


Strangely enough one of the biggest stepping stones to my divorce was my adventure on the House of DVF. One day I saw an ad on Facebook saying Diane Von Furstenberg was looking for a brand Ambassador. I thought, “Eh, they would never pick a little married, Mormon fine art student.. but I might as well try.” Well.. shish got real fast. Before I knew it I was on a plane heading to New York City. Ultimately this journey gave me the confidence and bravery I didn’t know I was lacking.


Every single one of these women inspire me.

So this is where I am today. I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a weird girl on Reality TV, a photographer, a Mormon, a fashion lover, an artist. A lover of life! I truly am. I’ve come to love myself and my own unique journey. I’ve started finding myself and finding what truly fuels me and betters me. I know where my strengths lie and I know the kind of woman I want to be. I’m here to learn and grow and help others in the process, I can’t wait to use my talents and abilities to do so throughout the rest of my life!


Make sure to check back tomorrow night for my next post after the Premiere of House of DVF on E! 10/9c

I will be talking about some of the great experiences I had during my first week in NYC!


Love, Codi

11 thoughts on “Just a little ☮ of me.

  1. Ronald Tolley

    Congratulations. Congratulations on being where you are in the moment. With the House of DVF. With yourself. With your values and your sense of place in the universe.

  2. Darby

    You are such an amazing young woman and I’m so proud of you! I laughed out loud at your parent’s wedding picture caption. That was such a beautiful day for those two mice 🙂

  3. Skyler B.

    Congrats Codi,

    Great start to the blog. A lot of very candid experiences that will help your followers love you for who you truly are!

    Tell your mom “hi” she is awesome! Everyone loves her.


    1. Codi Post author

      Thank you Skyler! I hope people can relate to my weirdness. Told mom “Hi!” it’s true, I somehow got blessed with the best mom in the world!

  4. Kier Mellour

    What a beautiful blog Codi! I love this introduction, it absolutely captures you! You are such a special person. I am so glad I got to know you through this process and that we got close. I am always here if you need me, an unlikely pairing, most people may think, but I am so grateful for your heart and the times we spent one on one just talking about life and love.

    Love Always,

    1. Codi Post author

      Kier, thank you so much beautiful! I am so glad I got to know you. I remember the day we had some time to talk just the two of us, I immediately went and told my family you were one of my favorites. I look up to your honestly and drive so much, you know what you want and go for it! Never stop being you. I’m always here for you as well, I’m so glad we went through this crazy experience together!
      Love you girl!


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