Category Archives: Uncategorized

Do what you love!

First I’d like to apologize for a couple of things:

1. I’ve dropped the ball. Yes, I am a slow poke and was supposed to write this post a few days ago. But then finals and work happened and I almost keeled over and died. So here I am, late. But still keepin on!

2. I don’t know why I said I’d like to apologize for “a couple of things” because really that is the only thing I am apologizing for…at least at this time.


 You can see me right there in the green.  It’s really how I feel lately.

First of all. I would like you all to know I just typed out my entire blog post. Only to have my internet freak out.. and it ALL got deleted!! Wow why is everything against me right now? Am I not supposed to be a blogger? Will someone tell me what my future holds?

Ok so hi! Here I go again. As I was saying, I’ve been swamped with homework, finals and work. This past week I thought back to the very moment I registered to go to the University of Utah. In 2010 I was sitting in Moscow, Russia on a very balmy day. Well.. if you consider being so cold that your nose hairs freeze balmy weather, it was extremely balmy. I was Skyping with my parents as they helped me get my photos together to put into a portfolio to take up to the U. I remember feeling SO stressed (probably similar to how I just felt when my whole post got deleted..) I just had so many worries on my mind. “Well I probably shouldn’t major in Fine Art.. that won’t make me enough money.. I need to do something that will be harder for me.” and “The program takes four whole years to complete? I am going to be 198 years old when I graduate, my children and my children’s children will be there to see me get my diploma, and then they will fly home in their hover car.” But ultimately I gave my parents the green light to take my portfolio to the school.. I was going to do what I loved.

As I’ve gone through the process of finding what I love to do, it’s been important for me to learn as much as I possibly can. I’ve always felt that education is such an important thing. Over the years I have had so many people ask me why I would go to school for fine art. “You already have a nice camera, and why waste money on going to school when you are already good at it?” This bothered me so much. Yes, school is expensive, and yes there are many things you can learn on your own outside of a classroom. But I wouldn’t take back a moment of my schooling. There are so many things  that I couldn’t have learned any other way than through my college experience.

I had reservations about studying something that had a reputation of producing a bunch of poor, starving hipsters.. I was seriously torn; I thought I should just study something that could make me rich, and make me sound one million many more smarter. But I knew that the Fine Art program was right for me; and I was going to do my very best and work my butt off. I think this decision was one of the most important I’ve ever made. I have learned so much through my college experience, and it had effected my life in so many ways since the very first day. I know that I was given my talents and gifts for a reason. I am a huge advocate of doing what you love, and growing your talents to their greatest extent. When you do this, doors will open; you will meet people you couldn’t have any other way, and you will be directed down an awesome path made specifically for you.

Shortly after I started my artistic journey, my two sweet children came into my world; aka my laptop and my camera. Since they are so near and dear to me it’s always been important to keep them safe; I have had some really beautiful laptop bags over the years. At one point I carried my laptop around in a bag that looked like a giant diaper and said something like “Orthopedic Surgery” on it. Lets just make it very clear I have always been so very stylish!

Before I went to New York I stumbled upon a shop called Fullgive here in Salt Lake. I was immediately super impressed by the quality and originality of their handmade leather goods! Scott from Fullgive made a custom laptop bag before I set out on my House of DVF journey, and I can safely say I have never been so in love with a bag!


Bag: Fullgive

Dress: Trixxi

Scarf: Unknown brand, found similar here

Leggings: Similar found here

Shoes: Not Rated (old)




It sure means a lot to me to be able to do what I love. And I don’t think anyone fully understand how important my laptop is to me. It holds all of my school work, photo work and… life! It sure is nice to have a rad bag that reminds me of how lucky I am to be able to do what I love.

So I know I am behind- but I’d like to tie my girl Abs from House of DVF into this post. When I think of going for what you love I think of this girl. She is such a go getter- and has come such a long way in her life and career already. She has such a diverse range of talents- from design, to acting.. but my favorite quality about her is her amazing sense of humor. I’m pretty dang sure that she made me laugh more than anyone else did from House of DVF. I don’t get how she does it, but she is just so funny!


Babe status.

I am also so thrilled to see where she goes with her career. When we were back in New York shooting promo shots, Abs told me that she was getting her reels together to get more into her acting career. I know she will be so successful! I couldn’t act to save my life! She has also designed some freaking amazing clothes.. that I would be happy to take off her hands if she ever needed to get rid of them for some mysterious reason.


Seriously though? Ok.. coolest skirt ever!

I could go on and on. Her hair- yes. I was always jealous, she always looks like a model. Also she wraps turbans like a champ.. refer back to episode one of House of DVF and you can see her work her magic on Tiff and I.. haha! I could not pull that turban off like she can.. no way! So basically I just think she is amazing. And ultimately am super impressed by her go getter attitude and confidence; she will go so far. Just look at what she has accomplished by doing what she loves and challenging herself every day.

We should all be more like her.. and get out there and be our very best selves! That’s how you get the furthest and reach even the furthest seeming goals.

So please- go do what you love and be confident in it! Gifts and talents aren’t meant to be ignored, they are meant to be used and grown.

In closing, I’d like you to know how impressed I am in myself that I just re-did this entire post after it got deleted. I think I will go do a small jig now. Waaahhhooo!

Thanks for reading!



“There are no true endings, only everlasting beginnings.”

Hello hello hello!

Here is another awkward start to another post, so welcome to my brain again!

The next subject on the docket is yet another one that will probably make me cry, wahoo! Just remember.. tears are power.

My last post I talked about my sweet grandpa, and this post starts out with the last week of grandpa’s time here on earth. This is heavy stuff, and it’s going to be hard to write. So be prepared for more strange gaps in my text.

Like this.

And this.

It’s easy to hit the return key when I don’t know how to get out what I want to say. So I’m going to go ahead and do it again.

OK OK I’m done.

Death. This is something I haven’t had to experience very often in my life yet. When I was young the first person I remember passing away was my great grandma “Grandma Great” (or Grandma Grape). I was young enough I don’t remember much about it, other than my mom sending me into her room to say goodbye. It felt strange for me.. but I gave her a hug and said I loved her and awkwardly said bye. It was sad for me, but I was just young enough I didn’t really understand much. I only truly understood one thing- she was going some place better.

The next experience I had with death was my dog Sabra. This may sound stupid and you may be thinking “Oh, please.. a dog?!” But my Sabra was like a sister to me. She was with me through everything, all of my awkward teenage years and tears, and even through my heartbreaks. Not to mention, she loved me even when I was ugly, grumpy, and stupid. Dogs show true unconditional love, and I think every human can learn a thing or two from our canine friends.


Holy crap, I’ve never seen so much dust on one picture!

One day in 2012 my parents were out of town, so I came and house sat for them. I was laying in bed with Sabra curled up by my legs and she started breathing really heavy, and she stood up and started panicking. So at 4 in the morning I took her to the vet because I was so worried. I remember the vet coming into the room, he knelt down and listened to her heart and said “She is going through heart failure, she is dying.” I sat there and stared at him and said “No she’s really not. She is just sick with something.”I went into shock.. I remember sitting down on the floor and hugging her so tight, and cute Sabra just wagged her tail and licked my face while I cried like a baby. I couldn’t lose my puppy.. it wasn’t fair, I needed her! The next month was just horrible, watching her slowly get sicker and sicker and not being able to do anything about it. We set a date to have a vet come to our house to put her to sleep, she just was suffering so much. I slept over a lot that week because I didn’t want to miss a moment with my puppy. I was probably overly weird about the whole thing. Poor Sabra couldn’t cool down, so she would go sit outside in the middle of the night. So I would follow her out with a blanket wrapped around me and sit in the dirt next to her while I sobbed. It got to the point the sprinklers even turned on at like 5 in the morning and I just cried harder and tried to cover her with the blanket.. hahaha. I was a mess! That next morning the vet came over, and we all huddled around our cute puppy, sobbing uncontrollably as he put her to sleep. I know she wasn’t a person, but I feel like the sadness was just as real for us, she was a part of our family. As she let out her last breath I remember thinking, wow, what would I do if I didn’t know she was on her way up to heaven right now? What would be the purpose of life if there wasn’t a bigger picture, if all of the people and things we love just… ended. If we could never be with them again.


Look at that sweet face! After all, dogs are humans too 😉

I just realized I went on for a very long time about Sabra. Do I regret it? No. So I’m sorry if you didn’t care about any of that! But Sabra is a great lead back into Grandpa; because they just so happened to be best friends. I’ve always believed you can tell someone’s character by how they treat animals (well.. and people too of course). But cute grandpa treated(no pun intended) Sabra like his best friend in the world. Sabra’s death was one of the hardest thing for me, up until Grandpa got sick.

As Grandpa’s life started winding down I didn’t know how any of us would handle life without him. I mean, we had barely survived two years without our dog! The day grandpa passed I walked into his bedroom to give him a hug, and he was to the point where he wasn’t really there any more. So I sat and told him how much I loved him and hoped he heard me. The dying process is not pleasant, at one point I had a panic attack as I saw what happened as his body started to shut down. It was horrible to watch someone so dear to me go through that. But we all felt peace, we knew he wasn’t truly suffering; Heavenly Father was taking care of him, He needed him back home. The last few minutes of grandpa’s life, grandma sat next to him and held his hand and they looked lovingly at each other. I know grandpa wasn’t physically able to speak, but I know he was telling her how much he loved her.


I had to just aim my camera in their general direction and guess to take this picture- I think my eyes were swollen shut from crying!

He took his last breath and there was such a special feeling in the room, grandpa was finally free from his imperfect body. I knew he was finally walking, running and leaping again. I also knew he was being welcomed into heaven by so many people(and dogs haha) who he loved; he was being taken care of. Would I be able to survive this life without the knowledge that there is life after death? I don’t think so. What would be the point? Why would we be capable of so much love if there wasn’t a loving Heavenly Father who created us to experience it. Why would we want to do good in the world, be kind, have families and friends.. if there was no point? This life is a test. There is a huge reason why we were all sent here- because we are children of God, and he loves us so perfectly he gave us the opportunity to come here to learn and to grow. And he loves us even more that he doesn’t just leave us here, at one point or another we will each return back to his presence.

 About a year ago my sweet baby brother Dalton prepared to serve a full time mission for our church. A mission is essentially another way of saying “Two years spent away from home, preaching the gospel, all while being 100% selfless”. Dalton knew that he wanted to serve a mission because of the happiness and hope the gospel had given him and our family. As the day drew nearer for him to leave to Tahiti, it started dawning on us all that it most likely be the last time he saw grandpa here in this life. Dalton didn’t falter on his decision to leave once, because he saw the big picture; he knew that no matter what happened, he would see grandpa again someday. Dalton knew that the people of Tahiti needed this message of hope and life after death as much as we needed it. He knew that grandpa would want him to go teach of the happiness that we felt each day. Grandpa did pass away while Dalton was gone, but I know that Dalton was probably nearer to grandpa than any of us were, even though we were sitting right next to him.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

I’m so proud of my brother’s faith, to go and forget himself and know that the rest would fall into place.

I would say the death of a loved one is one of the hardest trial’s in life to overcome. But we need to remember how beautiful it really is, and that in fact it is not an end. Those who pass on into the next life are very near to us, they watch over us.

This Sunday on House of DVF Jinna was sent home. This girl amazes me. She is not only seriously talented in so many ways, but she also an insanely strong woman. Jinna’s father passed away in 2012 after a battle with cancer. I remember the moment the 8 of us got accepted into the House of DVF  “program” sweet Jinna broke into tears (we were all crying). But she turned to me and said something along these lines. After her dad passed away, she never thought things would get better, she had been so stressed and full of anxiety. And she was just so grateful that she got this chance- and she was doing everything she did for her dad. I remember feeling so strong that her dad was right there in that room with her, and he was SO proud of her. I know that he watches over her. I also know that though his death was so early, God’s timing is always perfect. I know that Jinna grew to be the woman she is today because of each step and trial she has experienced up until now. It may not seem fair she had to let him go at such a young age, but I know everything in life happens for a reason; it is all perfectly orchestrated. I just look at Jinna, and the impact she makes on people all throughout the world; it all stems from her father’s legacy. She is keeping him alive by being such an inspiring example and a light for people to look to.


She is beautiful!

I would also like to give my two cents on how she was portrayed on the show. She was apparently supposed to appear to be some crazy drunk all the time.. but seriously? She is not hahaha. I’d like to pose this question- did ANY of her “partying” and drinking impede her from getting her jobs done? Not ever. And also, she is SO talented and business savvy.. and I feel like there was a bunch of footage cut out of her working her magic. I think she would have made a fabulous brand ambassador for DVF. A true example of hard work, intelligence and strength. I think it is even cooler that her drive and work ethic is kept strong by the memory of her father. Like DVF, Jinna is creating her empire with a more meaningful goal in mind- she is doing everything she does for something bigger than herself. I respect Jinna so much, and I know I have so much I can learn from her! Aside from all of the serious and professional things Jinna is amazing at, she also happens to be hilarious!! I can’t count how many times she made me laugh so hard that I cried.. again.. tears are power!


I just love her and her perfect skin.. it’s not even fair!

As I went through losing my grandfather, I thought of Jinna’s strength to survive thrive and grow after her father passed. It helped me look on the positive side of things, and try to see the good in such a difficult situation. I’m so grateful I got to meet such an amazing woman, I know God had his hand in the whole thing so our paths would cross.

Go check out Jinna’s website right now- she is amazing!

Sooo I was originally planning on making this a fashion post- but as I started writing I decided I will wait til next time to show another outfit- and some leather bags that I have been so excited to feature! It just felt strange writing on such a serious topic such as death then going “Hey, now look at  this cute outfit!” so please check back later this week for that fun post- where I will also talk about my girl Abs from House of DVF ( Dang E! threw my blog plans all off by sending her home in the same episode!)

Thank you for reading, if you made it this far then you are a very special soul.. I hope I didn’t depress the crap out of you!! I also want to end by emphasizing my knowledge that families can be together forever, and that I know there is life after death. If you want to know more about my beliefs please go read more here or feel free to comment below with any questions. I would be more than happy to answer what I can.

Later gator!


Just a little ☮ of me.

Well here goes nothing… hi world!


I’ d like to start my blog off introducing myself, duh. I’ve always felt like I am not good at writing “About Me’s”.. does anyone else think they are so difficult to write? I guess I will start at the day I was born…

When I was born, I was a baby. Crazy right?! My cute little family lived in San Diego and I just so happened to be the only fat, white, practically bald baby in the hospital. My mom says her postpartum got very bad when she saw the giant group of Latinos pointing and laughing at me through the glass of the nursery. I would have been laughing right along with at them, I mean… look at me!


Shoot.. I think this is the wrong photo!

Anyway.. We only spent a couple years in good old San Diego while my dad worked. Then we moved to Murray, Utah (best city in the world, or so I’ve heard)

I was not a typical little girl. I much preferred digging around in the dirt and collecting bugs over playing with dolls. My poor mother had to excavate carefully placed Tupperware filled with old grass, water and dying bugs from my bedroom on a weekly basis. But don’t get me wrong.. I did have a Barbie or two..


“Mom, will you take a picture of me and my friends?”

If you were to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I’d respond “a vet, artist, soccer player, hairdresser” every time. I soon realized my dreams of being a vet wouldn’t come true as I was not partial to seeing blood, guts, or hurt animals. What a wuss.

Tried my hand at soccer.. or foot I guess I should say. Yes. I still play and LOVE soccer, but am I a pro? Definitely not.

My mom is a hairdresser and naturally I’ve always wanted to be just like her.. but after working at a beauty supply I soon decided it was not the route for me.

Now artist.. I think I was on to something with that one. Ever since I was a tiny squirt I loved art, and excelled at it. It was always my favorite subject in school. I’d also be caught in the act of making dumb videos on our video camera and snapping embarrassing selfies on a regular basis. Cameras intrigued me. Just the fact I could save a moment with the click of a button.


I’d like to think this was my very first self portrait. It’s artsier because I am nude of course.

Over the years my family has had countless laughs from the embarrassing amount of photos and video I felt the need to take. I’m glad I could provide them with such happiness though because they happen to be the most special people in my life. My parents are my heroes, and my best friends. I don’t think I could ever express to them how much I love and appreciate them. If you know them, I think you’d agree.


Mom and Dad on their wedding day.

I had the pleasure of growing up as the middle child. I don’t have middle child syndrome at ALL. I  don’t ever feel the need to be a perfectionist so people notice me. Never. I’ve never felt the need to be on a Reality TV show someday so someone will just look at me! I have the best big sister in the world who has always been there to stick up for me, or even speak for me when she felt the need. We were always connected at the hip growing up, I wanted to be just like Kylee!


Told you, connected at the hip.

When my baby brother was born I soon realized what it felt like to be worried about someone’s well being and happiness every second of the day. I would do anything for my brudder. Anyone would, Dalton is just too dang sweet not to! Hands down Best brother anyone could ever have.


Tell us we are cute!

We are a very close and loving family, and always have been. We were raised as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. What does that mean? Click here!

I will be writing more posts on my beliefs so please, stay tuned. I truly wouldn’t be who I am or where I am in life without the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to know families can be together forever, I don’t honestly know how I would get through life without this knowledge.


Family photo courtesy of tripod and self timer.

Not only am I lucky enough to have the greatest family in the world, I’ve also gone through life with the greatest set of friends. Each one of these girls has impacted my life is such a big way, I have no doubt we will be friends til we are old and saggy. We can typically be found filming stupid music videos in ugly costumes, or fake laughing to get a quality picture like this:


Fake laughers.

I graduated high school with all of these chums. Soon after I started my quest for love. Or maybe love started it’s quest for me.. that sounds more accurate. This quest involved mainly boys and photography. I started college and soon decided I was going to Art School. Because why not.. I loved photography! Soon after I met a boy and fell in love with him. We got engaged, and we got married. Happily Ever After! That’s how it goes right? Sometimes.


I was married for two and a half years. I cannot tell you how much I grew in this time and how much I learned. I also cannot say how hard going through divorce was. I don’t think anyone gets married thinking they will someday get divorced. I believe marriage is the most sacred and special union on this earth, it is eternal; I planned on spending forever with him. I learned there are circumstances though when divorce is OK. You should never give up your happiness or values to be a lesser version of yourself. It was a very trying time for me, and the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. But I know it was the right choice, God carried me through the whole thing. I can’t wait for the day I find my future husband.. he’s out there somewhere!


Strangely enough one of the biggest stepping stones to my divorce was my adventure on the House of DVF. One day I saw an ad on Facebook saying Diane Von Furstenberg was looking for a brand Ambassador. I thought, “Eh, they would never pick a little married, Mormon fine art student.. but I might as well try.” Well.. shish got real fast. Before I knew it I was on a plane heading to New York City. Ultimately this journey gave me the confidence and bravery I didn’t know I was lacking.


Every single one of these women inspire me.

So this is where I am today. I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a weird girl on Reality TV, a photographer, a Mormon, a fashion lover, an artist. A lover of life! I truly am. I’ve come to love myself and my own unique journey. I’ve started finding myself and finding what truly fuels me and betters me. I know where my strengths lie and I know the kind of woman I want to be. I’m here to learn and grow and help others in the process, I can’t wait to use my talents and abilities to do so throughout the rest of my life!


Make sure to check back tomorrow night for my next post after the Premiere of House of DVF on E! 10/9c

I will be talking about some of the great experiences I had during my first week in NYC!


Love, Codi